The safety and security of the children at Kids Cottage is a top priority. Our facility was specifically designed to ensure the safety and security of all kids visiting. All of the building's features, including fire exits, lights, stairways, flooring, bathrooms, etc. are built and designed to code.

Information about our child health policy is available by request.

Safety checks

We regularly check and test all features to make sure the facility is constantly in working mode. We have installed security cameras in all rooms where children and staff work together, as well as the main office and outdoor area.

When ouches occur

In the event of an accident, first aid will be administered and an Ouch Report will be maintained and placed at the front desk for your signature. In case of an emergency, the center will call 911 and contact the parent/guardian.

Admission and release policy

Any and all visits at our center require a parent/guardian signature at arrival and departure, a photo ID, and a signed health record information sheet. If your child is to be released due to misbehavior, health concerns, or emergency reasons, and you cannot be reached, other authorized persons on the information sheet will be contacted for immediate pick up.

Illnesses & Medications


State licensing regulations require that each child admitted must have had a medical examination obtained within the last 6 months. With returning families, we ask that within 1 month of your first visit, you give us a copy of this physical.


Each parent, upon arrival, must sign a statement indicating that the child’s immunizations are up-to-date. With returning families, we ask that you also give us a copy for us to keep with our records.

In accordance with the State of Delaware code, we will not permit a child who has symptoms of illness such as: diarrhea, acute vomiting, severe coughing or sore throat, temperature of 100.4 degrees F. or above, yellow skin (jaundiced), red eyes with discharge, infected lesions, difficult or rapid breathing, severe itching, skin rashes, swollen joints, visibly enlarged lymph nodes, stiff neck, blood or pus from ear, skin, urine, stool, or unusual behavior for the child. Symptoms which indicate any of the following diseases: chicken pox, impetigo, lice, scabies, strep throat, or hand foot and mouth.  Other health exclusions include any “Reportable Communicable Diseases” listed by the State of Delaware, Division of Public Health.

Medication can only be given by staff members authorized in accordance with State Law and cannot be administered to a child without written permission from the child’s parent. All medication shall be in its original container, properly labeled, and authorized by the child’s health care provider. All medications will be stored where it is inaccessible to children.

***In consideration of all our patrons, please refrain from visiting when your child is feeling ill.

Helpful Downloads

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