Our Preschool/Pre-K Program offers a comprehensive educational experience for ages 2 to 5 years. We provide a solid foundation for early school years where children engage in discovery art, math, literacy, science projects, dramatic play, music and movement, Handwriting Without Tears, circle time and play centers. Our highly qualified teachers use Creative Curriculum, and the Delaware Early Learning Foundations which creates an individualized experience for each learner and promotes language, social/emotional, cognitive, and physical development.

We rely on our curriculum and utilize the community for special events and involvement, multicultural customs and celebrations, and developmentally appropriate skills and topics.  Students are inspired and engaged in an interactive, well-rounded environment that supports a lifelong love of learning.

Full Day Preschool Program

Our Full Day Preschool Program is designed for children ages 2 to 5. Our Full Day Program operates from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday, providing a convenient and flexible schedule for working parents. The extended hours allow for a well-rounded day of activities, encompassing both structured learning and free play. Our Full Day Program operates year-round.

Half Day Preschool Program

Our Half Day Program is tailored for children ages 3 to 5. The Half Day Program operates from September through May, aligning with the traditional academic year. Our 3-year-old class runs from 9:15 AM to 12:15 PM, while the Pre-K class, designed for our older learners, operates from 9:00 AM to 12:15 PM, allowing for an additional early start to the day.

Parents can choose between a 3-day-a-week option or a 5-day-a-week option, providing a schedule that aligns seamlessly with their preferences and commitments. The 3-day-a-week option would be Monday, Wednesday, Friday and the 5-day-a-week option would be Monday through Friday.

Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

Our drop off and pick up procedures are designed to prioritize the safety and security of each child in our care. Upon enrollment, parents will receive a unique password to sign their child in and out on the computer located in the lobby. For added security, only individuals listed on the child’s paperwork and pick up list will be permitted to pick up your child. Any unfamiliar faces must present their identification to the front desk before being allowed to pick up a child.

Snacks and Meals

As part of our preschool program, we kindly ask parents to provide snacks and lunch for their children. To ensure a safe environment for all, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Labeling: All containers, including lunchboxes, snack boxes, and individual items should be clearly labeled with your child’s name.
  2. No Heating of Food: Please note that we do not have the capability to heat up food in the classrooms. If you would like to pack a warm lunch for your child, please use a thermos.
  3. Use of Ice Packs: To maintain freshness and safety of perishable items, we require parents to include an ice pack in their child’s lunchbox. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to refrigerate lunch boxes.

In our Full-Day Program, we ask parents to pack a morning snack, a healthy lunch, and an afternoon snack for their child each day. We emphasize the importance of nutritious and well-balanced meals, ensuring that snacks and lunches align with the Delaware Office of Childcare Licensing regulations.

For our Half Day Program, parents are required to pack a snack for their child each day, promoting a healthy and nutritious start to each day. We recommend that parents pack two items that balance energy and nourishment like a fruit or vegetable and a protein-rich snack.

Personal Belongings

Each child will be provided with their personal cubby. These cubbies serve as a convenient and organized way for children to manage their belongings, including a backpack, spare clothes, and naptime supplies. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Therefore, please do not allow your child to bring personal items, such as toys from home. We have plenty of toys for them to play with here!

Indoor Play Equipment

There are two play areas inside. One is designed for children 2 to 5 years of age and the other is designated for children 5 to 12 years of age. Kids Cottage will enforce these rules to prevent injury. Parents may sign a consent form for children 4 years of age to play on the big equipment.

Accident & Injuries

Ensuring the safety and well-being of each child is our top priority. In the event that a child sustains an injury, our staff is trained to administer first aid promptly. A detailed accident report will be immediately completed, documenting the nature of the incident, the actions taken, and any first aid administered. Upon pickup, parents will be informed about the incident, and will be asked to sign the accident report form. The signed copy will be filed in the child’s records. In the rare case of a severe emergency, where immediate medical attention is necessary, 911 will be contacted, and parents/guardians will be notified.

Diapering/Potty Training/Toilet Use

Our center is equipped with toilets for each classroom to facilitate a smooth transition from diapers to independent toilet use.

For children in the process of potty training, we collaborate closely with parents to align our efforts with the strategies implemented at home. It’s crucial for parents to provide an ample supply of spare clothes to accommodate potential accidents during the learning process.

Diapers are changed every two hours or more frequently if needed, ensuring the comfort and hygiene of each child. Parents are kindly requested to keep diapers and wipes stocked in their child’s classroom, ensuring that we can promptly attend to their needs.

Toilet-trained children are granted the freedom to use the restroom whenever they feel the need. Our attentive staff monitors these children based on their age and individual ability levels, ensuring a supportive and nurturing environment as they embrace this milestone.

Rest Time – Full Time Students Only

We understand the importance of naptime for the overall wellbeing of our Full-Day children. The duration of rest time is approximately two hours, and the specific timing is adjusted based on the schedule of each individual classroom.

To ensure a comfortable rest environment, we provide soft nap mats for the children. Parents are required to provide a crib sheet and a small blanket for their child’s use during rest time. This allows for a personalized and familiar sleeping space that aligns with each child’s preferences and needs.

While we encourage children to participate in nap time, we respect individual preferences. Children who do not wish to nap are still required to rest on their mats for a minimum of 20 minutes. After this rest period, they are offered quiet activities to engage in, ensuring a calm and peaceful transition for both nappers and non-nappers alike.

Helpful Downloads

Here is a list of helpful downloads to get you started. You will need Adobe Reader to view the documents. Download it for free here.